Tuesday, October 9, 2012
Greetings all families. I hope that you are reading the newsletter that we are sending home most Fridays. They update you on what is happening in 3rd grade, tell you important dates, and even have some pictures of our 3rd graders.
Please encourage your child to read at least 15 minutes each night. Also it would be wonderful if you could spend some time asking your student about what they are reading. If my reading class right now we are talking about characters, setting, and plot, see if your child can tell you those things about the book they are reading.
Wednesday, April 18, 2012
As you know we have had round one of our Math MCA tests. Letters will be sent home on Thursday in the mail to tell you how your child did. We will also be sending home a parent permission sheet on Monday with your student. If you would like your child to retest, please contact me.
Our Reading MCA test will be next Tuesday and Thursday, April 24 and 26. Please make sure that your child has had a good nights sleep and eaten a good breakfast each of these days.
We will also be going on a fieldtrip on Friday, April 27 to the Planetarium in Rochester and Oxbow Park in Byron. The permission slips will be coming home soon. Please sign them and return them with a $1.00 to pay for the presentation at Oxbow. If you have any questions please let me know.
Thank you.
If you would like to send in any stimulating snacks for the Reading MCA snacks, please do so by Monday, April 23. Snacks that will work are:
*cinnamon or mint gum
*lemon drops
*laffy taffy
*hot tamales
* Bottles of water
* Granola bars
Please remember we have 26 students in our class and will be testing on two different days.
Our Reading MCA test will be next Tuesday and Thursday, April 24 and 26. Please make sure that your child has had a good nights sleep and eaten a good breakfast each of these days.
We will also be going on a fieldtrip on Friday, April 27 to the Planetarium in Rochester and Oxbow Park in Byron. The permission slips will be coming home soon. Please sign them and return them with a $1.00 to pay for the presentation at Oxbow. If you have any questions please let me know.
Thank you.
If you would like to send in any stimulating snacks for the Reading MCA snacks, please do so by Monday, April 23. Snacks that will work are:
*cinnamon or mint gum
*lemon drops
*laffy taffy
*hot tamales
* Bottles of water
* Granola bars
Please remember we have 26 students in our class and will be testing on two different days.
Thursday, March 8, 2012
Some good news! We are currently in 1st place for the box tops, soup labels and milk moola. 2nd place is not far behind us so we need to keep bringing those in if we want to win the class party! Here is the actually count.
So far we have raised $789.60 for our school!!!! Also we have collected 4317 Campbell's Labels for Education. Which is enough to buy recess equipment for all 6 grades!! Way to go!!!!
The Updated Results for the Classroom Collection Contest are~
1st Place~ Neumann~ $76.90 = 1940 total items
2nd Place~ Rowland~ $99.35 = 1889 total items
3rd Place~ Kieffer~ $84.70 = 1532 total items
4th Place~ Boyenga~ $75.05 = 1522 total items
5th Place~ Leach~ $80.20 = 1393 total items
6th Place~ Hendrickson~ $79.65 = 1384 total items
7th Place~ Burnette~ $40.00 = 1020 total items
8th Place~ Rome~ $47.70 = 993 total items
9th Place~ Carlson~ $61.45 = 941 total items
10th Place~ Boyd~ $20.35 = 650 total items
11th Place~ Sorenson~ $33.70 = 516
12th Place~ Swee~ $33.25 = 499 total items
13th Place~Jerdee~ $20.30 = 399 total items
14th Place~ Rassler~ $28.60 = 366 total items
15th Place~ Boersma~ $8.40 = 205 total items
Keep sending them to school. The contest ends at the end of March!!!
See how close this is!!!!
Friday, February 24, 2012
I wanted to thank each and everyone of you for making our conferences so successful! I had 100% of the parents and students that were scheduled attended conferences! That is wonderful. Thank you for making your child's education top priority! You are GREAT!
Just a reminder that tonight is FUN night here at Hawthorne. The cost is $5.00 to get a wristband and that will let you jump in the bouncy activities and also play the games. There will also be wonderful food available at a small price. I hope you all can make it, it should be an exciting evening.
Also please keep sending in those box tops, milk moola, soup labels and milk caps. We are hoping to win this party since we have not had much luck winning anything else.
I hope your child has told you about the new books we have gotten in our classroom - they are wonderful.
Just a reminder that tonight is FUN night here at Hawthorne. The cost is $5.00 to get a wristband and that will let you jump in the bouncy activities and also play the games. There will also be wonderful food available at a small price. I hope you all can make it, it should be an exciting evening.
Also please keep sending in those box tops, milk moola, soup labels and milk caps. We are hoping to win this party since we have not had much luck winning anything else.
I hope your child has told you about the new books we have gotten in our classroom - they are wonderful.
Thursday, February 2, 2012
Keep Saving!

Keep Saving and sending in these items. We are currently in 3rd place for the school. 1st place has
1st Place~ Rowland- K- $78.10 & 278 Soup Labels = 1554 Points
3rd Place~ Neumann- 3rd Grade- $45.55 & 320 Soup Labels = 915 Points
If we get the most, our class gets to have a special party that we get to help plan!
This is the letter that I am sending home today to let you know about Valentine's day. If you have any questions, please let me know. I look forward to seeing all of you at conferences. If you have not signed the blue conference letter sheet, please do so and send it back to me ASAP. I hope that everyone has a time that works for them.
Mrs. Neumann’s Class Valentine List
Aryssa Dakota
Alex Emma
Aaron Amy
Anna Vianney
Jaxon Brady
Nyalaam Emily
Christian Raven
Yash Iain
William Regina
Jacy David
Riley Jacob
Cody Mrs. Ille
If you would like to bring Valentines for your classmates, please remember to bring one for everyone on the list. We will be having our party on Tuesday, February 14.
Thursday, January 26, 2012
Upcoming Information
Conference letters go home tomorrow, (Friday, January 27). Please write this on your calendar. Conferences are on Thursday, February 9 from 3:30 - 7:00, Friday, February 10 from 7:30 - 3:30, and Thursday, February 16 from 3:30 - 7:00. I do not have many open spaces, so please let me know as soon as you can if your time does not work so we can figure out a better time. Thanks!
On Wednesday, February 1 we will have our Reading Rocks and Math Rolls presentation. Can't wait it should be exciting.
We will have our Valentine's party on Tuesday, February 14. If your students wants to bring Valentines to school, they must bring one for everyone. I will be sending home a list of student names soon.
Please remember their is NO SCHOOL on Monday, February 20. This is President's day.
Fun night is planned for Friday, February 24. I am sure they are still looking for volunteers. This takes a lot of people to make it a success, so please consider helping out.
On Wednesday, February 1 we will have our Reading Rocks and Math Rolls presentation. Can't wait it should be exciting.
We will have our Valentine's party on Tuesday, February 14. If your students wants to bring Valentines to school, they must bring one for everyone. I will be sending home a list of student names soon.
Please remember their is NO SCHOOL on Monday, February 20. This is President's day.
Fun night is planned for Friday, February 24. I am sure they are still looking for volunteers. This takes a lot of people to make it a success, so please consider helping out.
January News!
We had our Reading Rocks presentation on January 5. We added a Math component to our assembly - it is called Math Rolls! We learned about asking questions as we read. This is what good readers do!
We also welcomed a new student to our class. Her name is Emily. She is from Texas. Boy was she surprised to feel our cold weather.
On January 10th, we took our AIMS Web reading tests. The students did awesome with this, they all made gains! YEAH! I will be sharing this information with you at the upcoming conferences.
On Martin Luther King Jr. Day, we learned about Martin. We read a story that his sister wrote about him. Ask your child about what they learned.
On January 19th we had an all school assembly. This was a lot of fun. Each grade level shared a poster of what they have been learning. We also practiced our PAWS and CLAWS and sang a song with the whole school. We also toured the school to see all of the learning that is going on here at Hawthorne. Wow! what cool stuff everyone is doing. If you come to school you should check out some of the work that is hanging in the hallways.
Tomorrow we have Reader's Theatre. The story that will be presented to us is Jack and the Beanstalk. Also look for the conference letters that I will be sending home tomorrow. Please send them back as soon as you sign them and mark them on your calendar.
We also welcomed a new student to our class. Her name is Emily. She is from Texas. Boy was she surprised to feel our cold weather.
On January 10th, we took our AIMS Web reading tests. The students did awesome with this, they all made gains! YEAH! I will be sharing this information with you at the upcoming conferences.
On Martin Luther King Jr. Day, we learned about Martin. We read a story that his sister wrote about him. Ask your child about what they learned.
On January 19th we had an all school assembly. This was a lot of fun. Each grade level shared a poster of what they have been learning. We also practiced our PAWS and CLAWS and sang a song with the whole school. We also toured the school to see all of the learning that is going on here at Hawthorne. Wow! what cool stuff everyone is doing. If you come to school you should check out some of the work that is hanging in the hallways.
Tomorrow we have Reader's Theatre. The story that will be presented to us is Jack and the Beanstalk. Also look for the conference letters that I will be sending home tomorrow. Please send them back as soon as you sign them and mark them on your calendar.
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